1AM, I was doing my daily/nightly routine of perusing through my fav baking blogs in bed when I saw this beautiful cake on Glorioustreats.com. Of course I was inspired. I could have jumped out of bed right that second to go downstairs to the kitchen and try it and maybe might have (insomniac) if it wasn't for my little Grant waking up. So I did the next best thing, woke up the next morning and made it instead. Before that night, I only associated the word "ombre" with my sister's latest hair style. Didn't think to apply it to baking! It was perfect timing actually, I was looking for a special cake to bake for my mom's bday and this ombre cake was perfect. Of course the first try, I actually ran out of buttercream so I had to improvise. I won't say how because....I just won't. But the end product was great. The inside of this cake is soooooo beautiful, the pictures here don't do it justice. Since then I've make this cake 4 more times and I've got it down pat. The amount of buttercream and batter for 5 even layers of cake. The coloring process is really up to you and the 5 times I've made this cake, I've tried 5 different hues of pinks and purples. It's really up to you on the colors...lots of room for creativity there. Oh, and I didn't use 5 cake pans because I only have 2. It's just a little more time consuming but the cake layers are so thin, they really take no time at all to bake up.
3rd time's a charm! |